I find that every time I ask Mike for his suggestions on an outfit title I get the strangest things. Like this one for instance. He said, "Today's outfit made me feel very Irish. How about Irish Sheep Washer?" Well, he actually said "sheep watcher" but I think my sinus infection is messing with my ears because I totally heard washer. Oh, but yeah, how about that?! Sick again! This weather is insane. One minute it's 62 degrees and breezy... perfect for bare arms and one pair of tights. Then you turn around and it's 16 degrees and the thought of leaving the cozy warmth of your home is intimidating. Of course I know some of you have it much worse... -40 and things of the sort, but I just wish the weather would make it up it's mind. Mainly because I get sick every time it changes. I've handled it well over the past 5 days but last night it really hit me. I took two Nyquil gelcaps at dinner and at 7pm I was out. I couldn't even wake up long enough to put on socks or cover myself up. I woke up to my mom taking my slippers off, putting on mentholated socks, and covering me up. Finally I drug myself from the couch back to my bedroom and I was out for 13.5 hours! I woke up at 8:30am this morning! I hate medicating myself because I hate how I feel under any kind of drug so I've stayed as far away from that Nyquil as possible today! I worked up the ability to get dressed and take outfit pictures today, but after returning home I put on my PJs, took a bath with a bath bomb Mike got me for Christmas, and then here I am.
The dress is a Staring at the Stars frock from Urban Outfitters. The headband is from Forever 21. The cardigan and tights are both from Target. The shoes are, too! Dolce Vita for Target to be exact. The belt was one I snagged at a little boutique in SoHo while living in NYC last summer. The skirt is one that flies up at any given moment so I might line it in the upcoming weeks. I won't have a long coat to cover it soon so I'll need to make other arrangements!
Today I worked on some blog designs for a bit, but I'm so fed up with my Adobe. I don't have much patience left in me so I hope I can make it through these! Hope this sickness goes away soon so I can be back to myself again! xo
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Target
Belt: Boutique in SoHo
Tights: Target
Shoes: Dolce Vita for Target
Headband: Forever 21
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