This was my outfit for Easter Sunday with my family last weekend. I first saw the dress in Forever 21 and I squealed a little when I saw it paired with a black studded pyramid belt. I own this exact belt from another dress (2 actually!) but I'm a sucker for dainty floral dresses with edgy twists like the belt. Love! The gal at the register said it was a very "Rocker Girly Girl" and it would fit me perfectly. (I honestly think people expect me to be much "harder" than I really am... I mean, I know I have tattoos and piercings, but I'm really rather reserved and just... not "hard" in any way. I'm not complaining though!)
I've been sickly the past couple of days and yesterday it was really rough. We woke up really early to leave by 8am to drive to Lawrenceburg to attend Mike's sister, Laine's CNA pinning and then we stayed all day so Mike could photograph his bonus-mom's employees (for their new website which I'll be whipping up!). I felt like a party pooper most of the day as I just started feeling so sickly, but it was a good time and then I had to go work. Womp womp womp. Work was slammed and while it was good money, it was a strange night. I was exhausted, and there were so many situations I wasn't happy with. (For one: A pregnant lady was drinking whiskey and cokes at rapid speed. Keep in mind this is not one glass of wine at like 8 months... this is 5 whiskey and cokes in 1.5 hours and she's 6-7 months pregnant. It's illegal to refuse her alcoholic service in Tennessee, but I stated my stance a long time ago and I refuse to serve anyone who is pregnant and wants to drink. There's a gal who comes in who drinks Shirley Temples and I'll gladly fill her order every time, but I have certain morals that make that part of my job very hard. I can't say to her "I won't serve you because you're pregnant" because that's discrimination, and it's her body so it's her choice... but I can say "I won't serve you simply because I don't want to." That's totally legal. Weird, right? It breaks my heart because we all know whiskey and babies don't mix. But there are so many women out there who simply cannot have their own children and well, you know where I'm going with this. I just won't stand for it. I think the other bartender got a little irritated at me because the girl came to order 4 drinks from me and I just walked off. I just cannot do it.) Then another situation transpired and I'm just glad I got out of there and went home to sleep.
Today Mike and I are going to spend the day together since he has the day off. It's already almost 3pm and I have to leave for work at 8 but a few hours will be nice.
There are still some sponsorship spots open and I'm keeping them open in case anyone else wants to partake in the Red Cross drive (as seen here). So far we've raised $100! It's still open for one more week so don't worry, you've got time!
Forever 21 dress
Target cardigan
Target tights
Blowfish shoes
Kaelah Bee Handmade headband
Forever 21 purse
PS; I'm thinking about putting all of my variations of these headbands on my Etsy just to offset the insane financial costs of Georgia and Pipkin's surgeries coming up. I have a ridiculous amount of them made for a craft fair I was going to apply to but right now I think the focus should be on paying for their surgeries instead. Let me know if you think you'd be interested, and I'll try to get those up ASAP!
PPS; You can get 15% off your Blowfish Shoes order by using the code BFKAELAH15! Wahoo!